cover photo for culinarian
Match with a recipe and learn how to cook
The project showcase my UI senses and how I turn users' need into feature design. The goal of the project is to design a cooking app for university students to learn how to cook. I designed features that enable students to find ability-compatible recipes and motivate them to learn cooking.
Project type
Class Project
Sep 2022 - Dec 2022
(4 months)
UX Researcher
UX Designer
Competitor Analysis
Questions, Options, and Criteria
Paper Prototype
Usability Testing
Why this project ?
Eating out costs a lot in the US, and cooking at home can be the solution for them to save money. Home cooking also provides other benefits, such as being healthy and developing new skills. However, some specific problems exist while college students learn to cook. In this project, I targeted college students who are new to self-cooking and face time constraints.
1. Information overload
Too many recipes for users to read through and find one that meets their requirements.
2. Ingredient mismatch
Users cannot find what to cook with what they have.
preference setup
set up preferences for enhanced matching outcomes
Users customize steps, time, cooking level, and preferences for personalized recipe recommendations.
Swipe to find suitable recipe matches
Swiping streamlines recipe browsing, minimizing the time users spend checking details.
swipe to match
take notes
Add notes to enhance learning and reflection
The app aims to help users learn cooking with reflections. Add notes, earn points to unlock special recipes.
Elevate learning motivation by unlocking special recipes
Gamifying the learning experience, unlocking recipes serves as motivation for users to delve into the art of cooking.
unlock recipes
lesson learned